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A350 maquetasinfondo
  prices.gif - zdroj grafu: http://blogjfa.blogspot.es/i2012-08/ Nebo taky na  http://www.boeing.com/commercial/prices/ http://www.airbus.com/newsevents/news-events-single/detail/new-airbus-aircraft-list-prices-for-2012/ Tabulkové ceny: B787-8(242 cestujících při 3 třídách, 161 tun bez paliva, 110 t prázdný) €157M B787-9(250 - 290, 181 tun bez paliva, 115 t prázdný)  €185M A350-800 (253-270 cest., prázdný 104,65 t): €190M (2012) A350-900 (300-314 cest., prázdný 108,4 t):  €215M (2012)  A350-1000 (350 cest., bez paliva 220 t): €248M (2012)                          A330-200 (253 cest., prázdný 119,6 t): €152M (2011)    B767-300ER (LOT: 237 - 258 cest., pro typickou konfig. s 3 třídami se uvádí 218, 126-134 t) €139M (2012) (přistání B767 LOT bez vysunutého podvozku http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0HHy10gWeQ , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns-3ObP4C54&feature=fvwpbe&NR=1, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC8ySY_GlUk)   "The Dreamliners are overweight by 7.5 tonnes, from its initial design. They were supposed to be 17% more fuel efficient vis-a-vis the A330 aircraft. But the extra weight is likely to reduce that to 12%," a senior official from the civil aviation ministry told ET on conditions of anonymity. “Not all planes will be below performance standards. After the first few planes, the Dreamliners will be lighter and fuel efficiency will be 15% compared with A-330s," the official said. (http://blogjfa.blogspot.es/i2012-08/)   Taky stojí za přečtení: http://www.airliners.net/aviation-forums/general_aviation/read.main/2366781/   
Picture 32
Picture 34

zdroj grafu: http://blogjfa.blogspot.es/i2012-08/
Nebo taky na
Tabulkové ceny: B787-8 (242 cestujících při 3 třídách, 161 tun bez paliva, 110 t prázdný) €157M
B787-9 (250 - 290, 181 tun bez paliva, 115 t prázdný) €185M
A350-800 (253-270 cest., prázdný 104,65 t): €190M (2012)
A350-900 (300-314 cest., prázdný 108,4 t): €215M (2012)
A350-1000 (350 cest., bez paliva 220 t): €248M (2012)
A330-200 (253 cest., prázdný 119,6 t): €152M (2011)
B767-300ER (LOT: 237 - 258 cest., pro typickou konfig. s 3 třídami se uvádí 218, 126-134 t) €139M (2012)
(přistání B767 LOT bez vysunutého podvozku http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0HHy10gWeQ , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns-3ObP4C54&feature=fvwpbe&NR=1, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC8ySY_GlUk)

"The Dreamliners are overweight by 7.5 tonnes, from its initial design. They were supposed to be 17% more fuel efficient vis-a-vis the A330 aircraft. But the extra weight is likely to reduce that to 12%," a senior official from the civil aviation ministry told ET on conditions of anonymity.
“Not all planes will be below performance standards. After the first few planes, the Dreamliners will be lighter and fuel efficiency will be 15% compared with A-330s," the official said. (http://blogjfa.blogspot.es/i2012-08/)

Taky stojí za přečtení: http://www.airliners.net/aviation-forums/general_aviation/read.main/2366781/
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